Monday, February 28, 2011

From Lizi

I am comfortable with words.

I love reading the words of a great writer.

I enjoy being inspired by stories written with skill and passion.

I can be exhilarated by exchanging words in conversation.

I write songs as part of my job.

Words can be transformational.

But eventually words are not enough, and we must believe the words we know so well enough to actually do something with them.

To be moved. Not moved as in I FELT something, but moved. As in changing from the present course to a new course.

Last summer I had a conversation with a friend. We talked about a place where women have very real struggles. Some of these struggles you and I might have.

Some very different.

We asked, “What if we did something?”

“What if we helped?”

We dreamed, “What if LOTS of women got excited and changed things?”

What if?

So, here we are, still talking, still dreaming, asking God for illumination. And He is giving it. Amazingly!

The place is Southern Sudan, Africa’s newest country, just beginning the pangs of new birth.

We are longing for redemption, praying for healing for these sisters, some of whom have endured unimaginable suffering.

The dream is to connect women here in the West with the needs of women in Sudan. To build a community of sisters mutually transformed and brought into healing by serving each other.

It will be beautiful, because the Heart of the Healer is for all His daughters to be well.